Restoration of the Acheropoiitos Church in Thessaloniki, Design & Supervision Gallery Restoration of the Acheropoiitos Church in Thessaloniki, Design & Supervision Restoration of the Acheropoiitos Church in Thessaloniki, Design & SupervisionPenelis Consulting Engineers S.A.2025-01-13T15:12:55+00:00
Greek National Theatre Gallery Greek National Theatre Greek National TheatrePenelis Consulting Engineers S.A.2025-01-13T15:12:55+00:00
Project management on behalf of HellenicAid for the restoration of Saint George Monastery in Cairo Gallery Project management on behalf of HellenicAid for the restoration of Saint George Monastery in Cairo Project management on behalf of HellenicAid for the restoration of Saint George Monastery in CairoPenelis Consulting Engineers S.A.2025-01-13T15:12:57+00:00
Design and supervision of the A.P.F. central building Gallery Design and supervision of the A.P.F. central building Design and supervision of the A.P.F. central buildingPenelis Consulting Engineers S.A.2025-01-13T15:12:57+00:00
Upgrading of Pallas and Aliki theatres in Athens Gallery Upgrading of Pallas and Aliki theatres in Athens Upgrading of Pallas and Aliki theatres in AthensPenelis Consulting Engineers S.A.2025-01-13T15:12:58+00:00
Structural restoration of the Panagia Pantanassa Church in Lakonia Gallery Structural restoration of the Panagia Pantanassa Church in Lakonia Structural restoration of the Panagia Pantanassa Church in LakoniaPenelis Consulting Engineers S.A.2025-01-13T15:12:58+00:00
The structural restoration of the National Library of Greece in Athens Gallery The structural restoration of the National Library of Greece in Athens The structural restoration of the National Library of Greece in AthensPenelis Consulting Engineers S.A.2025-01-13T15:12:58+00:00
Preliminary desing for the restoration of the National Theatre complex in Athens Gallery Preliminary desing for the restoration of the National Theatre complex in Athens Preliminary desing for the restoration of the National Theatre complex in AthensPenelis Consulting Engineers S.A.2025-01-13T15:12:58+00:00
Restoration of the upper part and balcony of the Rotunda Minaret in Thessaloniki Gallery Restoration of the upper part and balcony of the Rotunda Minaret in Thessaloniki Restoration of the upper part and balcony of the Rotunda Minaret in ThessalonikiPenelis Consulting Engineers S.A.2025-01-13T15:12:58+00:00