Project Description

Client: Greek National Theatre
Architects: Dekathlon S.A.
Civil engineers: Basis – Sysm S.A., P. Madas & Associates, Penelis Consulting Engineers S.A., Triedros E.P.E., P. – I. Zanis & Associates E.P.E.
Main scope of the project is the restoration and utilization of the National Theatre complex to a level equal to its principal role at the cultural events of Greece. Within the context the objectives of the preliminary structural design are:
a) Restoration and strengthening of the recorded part of the building (Ziller wing) and of the adjacent existing “New Stage”.
b) Construction of a new area to host the “New Stage” with improved operational and functional facilities and expansion of the existing Central Stage.
c) Utilization of the adjacent built building in order to improve the existing parking spaces at the underground floors and to construct new office and support spaces for the theatre.Education and culture are the backbone of any advanced society. In funding the SNFCC, the Foundation’s vision is to provide the country and the city with the new institutional foundations it needs to move forward and with a framework for the future. Education, culture and sustainability, the SNFCC’s three main elements, are essential requirements in enhancing the potential of the city and its people and placing them within a twenty first century global context.