Project Description

Civil Engineers: Penelis Consulting Engineers SA
Civil Engineers: Penelis Consulting Engineers SA
The building complex of the general regional hospital “G.Papanikolaou” of Thessaloniki was built during the period 1948-1955 and is a large stone masonry building forming a hackle, composed of the longitudinal long part and four perpendicular to it wings. The design was involved with wing III, with dimensions 89,22 χ 13,17 m, which consists of three independent structures (A,Β and C), built at different periods, using different materials , structural systems and number of storeys. After a long time of abandonment, the Direction of the Hospital decided to use the wing thus contracting a structural and seismic upgrading design for the wing according to the provisions of the current at the time Greek codes (Concrete and Seismic Code 2000).