Project Description

Client: National Theatre of Athens Organization
Structural supervision: Penelis Consulting Engineers S.A.
The project included the restoration of the existing neoclassical building of the National Theatre of Greece. It also included the construction of a new annex in order to enlarge the stage so it could support modern theatrical demands. The building has been build in the late 19th century.
Penelis Consulting Engineers SA completed all the design of the restoration of the historical building. The building is constructed from URM and a steel trussed roof and sustained serious damage after the 1999 Athens earthquake. The design was submitted to the Ministry of Culture and was approved by the Central Council for Newer Monuments.
The design included, geotechnical investigations, material investigation in situ & in the lab, investigative section in situ to define the structural characteristics of individual elements (i.e. the balcony support), Finite element dynamic analysis of the existing building, finite element dynamic analysis of the strengthened building, drawings, details, Terms of Reference for construction, tender documents.