Project Description

Civil Engineers: ADK Consulting Engineers, Penelis Consulting Engineers S.A.
Aim of the study was the evaluation of Greek Industrial Development Bank (ETBA) industrial real estate portfolio so that the privatization procedure could be completed. For the evaluation a three step procedure was followed according to which initially the current trade value per square meter of each area was calculated as the intersection of the demand and supply curves using available market data. In the second step using qualitative criteria, which where weighted by the study team, such as the invested capital, relevant studies for Egnatia Odos SAetc a relative score was calculated for each area. In the third step the calculated value of the combination of the two first steps was projected to the next 20 years using an econometric model with several market indices and different scenarios.Education and culture are the backbone of any advanced society. In funding the SNFCC, the Foundation’s vision is to provide the country and the city with the new institutional foundations it needs to move forward and with a framework for the future. Education, culture and sustainability, the SNFCC’s three main elements, are essential requirements in enhancing the potential of the city and its people and placing them within a twenty first century global context.